Saturday, November 27, 2021

Dissertation on vocational education

Dissertation on vocational education

dissertation on vocational education

Under-performing New York City (NYC) schools precipitated Mayor Michael Bloomberg's decision to advance a vocational education initiative. The initiative was to address the problem of the many city high school graduates lacking both the skills for gainful employment and the academic preparedness to pursue higher education. The mayor's initiative also sought to address the problem of dropouts Author: Rupert Green If you are tasked to write a college essay, you are not alone. In fact, most college students are assigned to write good quality papers in exchange for high marks in Dissertation On Vocational Education class. Dissertation On Vocational Education You are also not alone in discovering that writing this type of paper is really difficult. College essays come with stricter rules and guidelines as well as more /10() Jul 07,  · Attitudes and Perceptions of Vocational Education in New York City: Implications for the Mayor's School Reform Initiative Explores the attitudes and perceptions of samples from qualified respondents constituting NYC stakeholders and graduates of a NYC vocational education school

Dissertations for Vocational Education - Learning & Technology Library (LearnTechLib)

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Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. My PhD Thesis:Reimagining the Purpose of Vocational Education and Training: The perspectives of Further Education and Training College students in South Afric. Lesley Powell. Download Download PDF Full PDF Package Download Full PDF Package This Paper.

A short summary of this paper. Download Download PDF. Download Full PDF Package. Word count exclusive of bibliography : 91, Word count inclusive of bibliography and all appendices : 97, The copyright of this thesis rests with the author and no quotation from it or information dissertation on vocational education from it may be published without prior consent of the author.

Although the empirical focus is the South African public Further Education and Training FET dissertation on vocational education, the thesis is situated within the broader debate on the role of VET in developing contexts. The study brings three aspects to this discussion.

First, it brings for the first time the fresh perspective of the human capability approach to the empirical study of VET. Through its emphases on the freedom, power and opportunities that students have to recognise, pursue and realise goals that matter to them, the capability approach provides a rich and meaningful alternative to productivist and income driven approaches to VET.

The second, linked to this and building on the importance of human flourishing, dissertation on vocational education, in the capability approach, is that it brings to the forefront the impact that FET colleges have on the lives of students. It does so by determining the extent to which the FET college has expanded the capabilities for students to live lives that they have reason to value and by discussing the institutional structures and cultures that facilitated the development of capabilities that matter.

The third, in line with the emphasis of agency in the capability approach, is that it brings to the discussion the voices of students. The experience and perspective of students provided in the study exists as a serious challenge to the dominant views held of VET students and of student attitudes to VET in Africa. It shows that the capabilities that matter to students include, but extend beyond, employment. The empirical findings give expression to the need for broader and more holistic approaches than that provided by the notion of employability.

I will be forever thankful to Professor Simon McGrath, my first supervisor, for supporting me during the past four years that it has taken to write this thesis.

Simon was extraordinarily generous with his time and ideas, always going far beyond the call of duty in his attention to the work. Her encouragement significantly changed the direction of the overall thesis.

Also to Dr Julio Gimenez who took over as second supervisor after Melanie returned to South Africa. Julio adopted the daunting task of engaging with a study after the completion of the fieldwork and in his deep and insightful way raised questions that lit the crags and crannies in the path I was taking, dissertation on vocational education.

I am also grateful to the University of Nottingham, School of Education for awarding me the Post Graduate Studentship which provided funding for much of this project and for the support of the staff and students in the School of Education dissertation on vocational education provided a comfortable and supportive home to work in. Special mention needs to be made of Dr Andre Kraak who was the person who provided the initial momentum to the thesis. During the time that I worked at the Human Sciences Research Council he was relentless in his insistence that I work on a PhD.

He was pivotal in supporting my application to the University of Nottingham and providing emotional encouragement in my first few months in freezing Nottingham. Special mention also has dissertation on vocational education be made of Professor Graham Hall who worked alongside me as my senior colleague for over a decade and as an experienced academic adopted the role of mentor and friend.

Graham was instrumental in recommending that I undertake the PhD, in supporting my initial application and has at key moments of the PhD provided advice and guidance from afar. Gratitude needs to be extended to Professor Johann Muller, dissertation on vocational education, who was the supervisor of my MPhil Degree without which the PhD would not have been a possibility.

My initial conception was to focus the study on learnerships rather than on students enrolled for the NC V as the study has done, an approach that Joe strongly argued against and which in retrospect the study has significantly benefitted from.

It was also Joe who clarified for me that I was interested in student perspectives of the college experience and that this dissertation on vocational education should therefore be central to the approach that the study takes. My gratitude goes to the principal, the management team and the staff of False Bay College for the support given to this study.

My special thanks also to Mrs. Hendriks, the Deputy Principal, who took time out of her busy schedule to help plan the operational aspects of the study, to ensure that I had a comfortable working space allocated to me and to escort me to all the campus sites in order that she might personally introduce me to the campus heads.

This study owes its existence to the support received from False Bay College. I will be forever grateful not only for their support, but also for the warmth with which it was given. My gratitude to the generosity of the twenty FET college students who participated in the study is boundless. Without their disclosures this work would not be possible as their personal experiences form the most exciting and original aspects of this work.

I dissertation on vocational education like also to thank my NORRAG colleagues, particularly Professor Kenneth King my academic grandfatherdissertation on vocational education, Professor Michel Carton and Dr Joost Monks for their encouragement, helpful hints and for supporting my work by providing spaces in which it can be shared and published.

It is a gift to have the opportunity to work with you closely over the next year. Special thanks also to my friend, dissertation on vocational education, Dr Nick Waterman, for his careful reading of the thesis and his very helpful and detailed comments.

I also thank my friends too many to list here but you know who you are! for providing love, faith, dissertation on vocational education, support, friendship and sometimes the laughs that I needed.

Thank you too to my neighbours in the UK who have been a great support and have taught me what being a neighbour truly means. Particular mention needs to be made of Dr Isabel Jones for reading the earlier versions of this work but mainly for her patience in enduring my endless discussions and my angst about the work.

I would not have been successful on this road if it were not for my parents, dissertation on vocational education, Spurgeon and Lorna Powell, who instilled in my life an enjoyment of reading, the love of discussion and debate and the importance of human values without which this thesis would never have been completed and most certainly would not have taken the direction that it has.

To my parents, dissertation on vocational education, thank you, dissertation on vocational education. The most important gift that you can give a PhD student is the dissertation on vocational education to think and the time to work.

I truly thank my husband, Dr Regan Jonathan, for the countless loads of washing, the endless dishes that he took charge of and for taking over dissertation on vocational education kitchen in the last months of the thesis so that I could have the desperately needed time and space. Last, but most definitely not least, is my son, Adam Powell. Thank you so much Adam for your faith in me, for being so proud of me, for your constant love and affection and for always encouraging me, dissertation on vocational education.

The world is a better place for having you in it. Everything I do is fuelled by my love for you. I dedicate this work to you.

xiii Abbreviations and Acronyms xiv 1 Introduction The new South African FET colleges. A simplified framework for understanding capabilities, functionings and the motivations to act 77 Figure 4. A framework for understanding human agency 98 Dissertation on vocational education 5.

The empirical approach adopted in the study Figure 6. Definitely Poor in Dimension 1 Household Income Figure 7. Definitely Poor in Dimension 2 Individual Income Figure 8. Definitely Poor in Dimension 3 Single Parent Household Figure 9. Definitely Poor in Dimension 4 Parental Educational Qualification Figure Definitely Poor in Dimension 5 Living in areas of high drug abuse and gangsterism Figure Technical college enrolments, 25 Table 2. Key objectives of the new Education and Training framework 31 Table 3.

Percentage enrolments by race and gender 33 Table 4. The Transformation of South African FET colleges: to 34 Table 5. The Transformation of South African FET colleges: to 40 Table 6.

The Transformation of South African FET colleges: to 43 Table 7, dissertation on vocational education. Performance Dimensions and Related Indicators 57 Table 8. Four possible informational basis of judgement in justice 70 Table 9. Dimensions of poverty: Socio-economic background of FET college participants Table Dimensions of VET Capabilities and Valued Functionings that matter to FET college students Table On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.

In the European context these reforms are located in the shift from welfarism to activation policies that incentivise a fast return to the labour market and in policy frameworks that aim to orientate education and training towards employability Bonvin and Galster, ; Bonvin and Farvaque, In the African context the success of Education-For-All EFA targets together with increased demand for access to education and training have confronted governments with the problem of where young people completing their basic schooling will go McGrath, These imperatives, when combined with skills shortages caused by increased manufacturing and economic growth, dissertation on vocational education, have brought VET to the forefront of socio-economic reform in Africa.

As it currently exists, VET is provided across multiple domains; applies a range of delivery approaches; is targeted at people who range in age from young children to mature adults; exists across the formal and informal sectors; is provided by public, private and non- government organisations and is orientated towards differing purposes and goals.

The term VET as applied in this study aligns to the general definition of VET provided by Moodie Each of these terms has distinct historical trajectories differing across geographic locales. In the South African context, vocational education referred to programmes designed for lower levels of skills and technical education to the acquisition of practical and applied skills at the intermediate level.

Underpinning these policies are shared assumptions with education and training seen as a lever for economic development and the answer to social inequities, growing unemployment and poverty.

The assumption is that education and training will contribute to economic development by providing the skills required to compete in challenging and changing global and national economic contexts. Simultaneously, they will contribute to social justice by widening participation in programmes dissertation on vocational education at employability within communities most affected by unemployment.

Skills development is core to the post- apartheid socio-economic development strategy. The Skills Development Act of established a radical and far reaching approach to education and training Republic of South Africa, amended inwhich is implemented and monitored through the National Skills Development Strategies NSDS I, II and III.

Here the Further Education and Training FET colleges have an important role to play3. Thus, the college sector is seen as a key tool for meeting the intermediary to higher level skills needs of the South African economy.

Vocational Education TV Show

, time: 12:47

Dissertation about vocational education

dissertation on vocational education

If you are tasked to write a college essay, you are not alone. In fact, most college students are assigned to write good quality papers in exchange for high marks in Dissertation On Vocational Education class. Dissertation On Vocational Education You are also not alone in discovering that writing this type of paper is really difficult. College essays come with stricter rules and guidelines as well as more /10() Under-performing New York City (NYC) schools precipitated Mayor Michael Bloomberg's decision to advance a vocational education initiative. The initiative was to address the problem of the many city high school graduates lacking both the skills for gainful employment and the academic preparedness to pursue higher education. The mayor's initiative also sought to address the problem of dropouts Author: Rupert Green Feb 10,  · Green, R. Attitudes and Perceptions of Vocational Education in New York City: Implications for the Mayor's School Reform Initiative. Ph.D. thesis, Northcentral University. Ph.D. thesis, Northcentral University

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