and services literature and studies have shown that service quality is an antecedent of customer satisfaction, this paper seeks to find out the service dimensions of service quality, which lead to higher levels of customer satisfaction good service quality and customer perception of service measuring. The inten-sion of the research study was to find out what customers think about compa-ny’s service quality and if customer satisfaction level is good enough to attract more consumers and save those who have been loyal to the company for years satisfy them. Service quality is considered to be very critical to any modern business because it contributes higher customer satisfaction, profitability, reduced cost, improved customer loyalty and retention. The main purpose of this study is to assess customer satisfaction and service quality using SERVQUAL model within TTCLFile Size: KB
Dissertation on Customer Satisfaction Free Essay Sample
The main aim of the research is to determine the relationship between customer satisfaction and price, dissertation review service quality and customer satisfaction, product as well as service quality as well as a reflection by market share. The study involves people sampled from online phone reviewers as registered on online stores such as alibaba.
com and official Nokia and Samsung websites. Sampling was conducted using random purposive sampling. Data was collected by sending an online survey containing 18 questions that were objectively structured to answer the four research questions and fulfill the four research objectives. Dependent variables included customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. The Independent variables included price, product quality, and market share and service quality. There were strong correlations between customer satisfaction and each of the independent variables that included price, product quality, and market share and service quality.
Similar results were obtained in the case of customer loyalty. According to the study, it is concluded that sellers, manufacturers, and service providers in the Smartphone industries, as well as other industries, must check their pricing strategy, reduce the cost of use, improve product or service quality, and monitor market dissertation review service quality and customer satisfaction to achieve high customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Dissertation review service quality and customer satisfaction introductory chapter seeks to create a foundation for the commencement of the research. Importantly, it seeks to provide background concepts that relate to the topic of study. The chapter will also include a clear elaboration of the rationale and the purpose of the study. The rationale indicates the need for the study in the contemporary business setting and outlines how the findings of the research will help to improve the area of focus.
This will be reinforced by the statement of various research questions which form the basis of presenting the results and making conclusions. Further, the chapter will focus on the specific scope of the research to identify the geographical, conceptual, and logistical focuses of the study.
This discussion also incorporates a detailed dissertation structure which explains the various chapters and their component. As such, it sets the stage for the conduct of this research, provides a clear roadmap and ensures a logically organized documentation of the same. In general terms, this study focuses on the relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty versus other aspects that include the product or service quality, price, and the reflection of the market share.
As such, this implies that the study will first seek to determine the association of customer satisfaction and all the three mentioned variables separately. It will then proceed to investigate the relationship between the loyalty of customers and each of the variables above price, product quality, and reflection by the market share.
Based on the focus of the study, it is evident that customer satisfaction, loyalty, price, product quality, service quality, and the reflection by the market share are the anchors of the study. In this light, therefore, it becomes important to understand the background concepts revolving around these six aspects and their components. To start with, customer satisfaction is seen as a representation of the extent to which product and service providers meet or surpass the needs and expectations of their clients.
This implies that customer satisfaction provides a parameter that can be used to measure the performance of the business and simultaneously provide the basis for improvement. In case, the satisfaction of customers is low, the product or service provider is under the obligation to identify the inherent detriments of the business, eliminate them, or reduce their impacts on the expectations of the customers.
Such a procedure can effectively amount to a business improvement process. In other words, it is a metric used to monitor and manage business given that, in a business scenario, the customer is the key determining factor of success.
Of critical importance to this study is the fact that customer satisfaction is highly related to the loyalty of the customers towards the product or the service provided. This relationship is based on the fact that the level of satisfaction serves as an indicator of the likelihood of customers to repurchase the product or re-seek the service.
Further, it is a major tool used by businesses and companies to differentiate their products and services. This differentiation is crucial because most of the product or service providers incur competition. On the face of such competition, differentiation is not only paramount but also inevitable if at all the business has to survive and thrive.
As mentioned previously, the second aspect of concern in this study is the loyalty of customers. In this regard, the loyalty of customers is closely associated with the satisfaction of the customer. From this definition, it is important to note that loyalty can be determined by satisfaction, but it brings in a factor of emotional connection and perception, dissertation review service quality and customer satisfaction.
When it comes to price, it is seen as the value that the customer gives as payment in exchange for a service or a product. In contemporary society, however, this value is widely measured in terms of money. As such, some can define price as the money given by a customer in exchange for a product or service provision.
For this dissertation, the price will be considered in terms of two different dimensions. In particular, price in a typical Smartphone industry comprises of market price and the total cost of utilization.
The market price is the price set by the providers and sellers mainly based on the supply and demand forces. The total cost of use is viewed as the maintenance cost that the client incurs as a result of using the product. There is also another dimension known as the value for money although it will not be used in the dissertation. Value for money is a parameter of the price that assesses whether the client gets the benefits that are consistent with the money given to the seller.
As such, value for money is a variable that incorporates the market price, total cost of use, and the value of the products. Product and service qualities also comprise an important aspect of this study since the research seeks to understand its relationship with the customer s satisfaction and loyalty. In principle, dissertation review service quality and customer satisfaction, quality is defined as the fitness of a product or a service to its intended purpose or required fulfillments respectively.
Essentially, the quality of products and services is very crucial in the Smartphone industry. The last aspect of consideration in this research is the reflection by market share.
Market share is the percentage dissertation review service quality and customer satisfaction customers that a product or service provider controls out of the total number of clients that have subscribed to the service or bought similar products. In particular, this study will consider the battery capacity, and weight of the phone Smartphone as the components of product quality.
Regarding service quality, the courtesy of customer care, time used to resolve complaints, and representative knowledge to measure the quality of service. Table 1: A table showing the variables considered in this research and their corresponding possible dimensions. Essentially, the technological industry is growing at a rapid rate due to the increasing demand for efficiency and cost reduction.
As such, many companies have emerged to provide customers with technologically efficient and cheap devices. The Smartphone industry is one of the arenas where many manufacturers have emerged to take a portion of the market, dissertation review service quality and customer satisfaction.
As a result, the industry has become very competitive and sensitive to service delivery as well as customer relations, dissertation review service quality and customer satisfaction. Understandably, customer satisfaction is a crucial component when it comes to the issue of relationships with customers.
In this light, therefore, companies must determine the factors that affect the satisfaction and loyalty of their customers to succeed. Further, they must also seek to rank these factors to understand the ones that have a bigger impact than the others.
Besides, the increased competition has led to the provision of more technologies and services in pursuit of increasing sales as well as gaining more customers. This scenario amounts to disruption-like change. Further, dissertation review service quality and customer satisfaction, the investigation regarding dissertation review service quality and customer satisfaction satisfaction of customers is important for Nokia.
In this dissertation review service quality and customer satisfaction, the research seeks to focus on Nokia as the company of study. Understandably, Nokia was one of the traditionally dominant companies in the world.
However, it incurred heated competition due to the rise of many mobile phone companies. As such, the viability and dominance of Nokia as a brand were surpassed by the new entrants especially with the rise of the Android operating system. This competition and subservience of the company have led to drastic measures such as the rebranding of Nokia to Microsoft.
These aspects form the rationale of the study and show its significance both in the Smartphone industry and the customer relations arena. Essentially, the aim and objectives of a research study are interconnected but their scope differentiates them.
In particular, the aim of a research study is the general intention of the researcher. On the other hand, the objectives comprise the various undertakings that must be fulfilled to achieve the aim as shown below. This research aims to determine the relationship between customer satisfaction and aspects that include price, product, or service quality, as well as how it is reflected by the market share.
To fulfill the above research aim, the following undertakings will be fulfilled. As such, the correlations for customer satisfaction will be calculated followed by those of loyalty. In principle, dissertation review service quality and customer satisfaction, the research questions are derived from the research objectives. Based on this fact, four pertinent research questions will form the basis for interpreting the results.
The scope of this research is viewed in three different dimensions, including the geographical, institutional, and focus-based scopes. Concerning institutional scope, the research uses Nokia as the case study company. When it comes to the question of geographical scope in light of answering the question of market share reflection, the dissertation review service quality and customer satisfaction considers America, Asia, and Africa as the regions of analysis.
Lastly, the research focuses on the relationship between customer satisfaction or loyalty and the variables included in table 1. The dissertation includes five different chapters that include an introduction, literature review, methodology, results and findings, and conclusion.
This chapter forms the foundation of the entire dissertation based on the fact that it describes the background, significance, and aim of the study. As presented here already, it does not only provide the framework of the research, but it also shows the roadmap of the study. This chapter analyzes critically previous studies that investigate the relationship between customer satisfaction or loyalty and any other aspect of the business.
As such, the analysis is used as a basis for identifying the existing research gaps that should be filled in this study. This chapter includes the methods that were used to conduct various research undertakings.
These undertakings include sampling, data collection, review process, and analysis among other items. Importantly, also, it discusses the rationale of using the chosen methods as opposed to others. The chapter includes critical components that include the presentation of the collected data and its analysis. It presents the evidence obtained as a result of collecting data from the survey and proceeds to analyze and interpret it to answer the research questions.
Based on the data analysis and findings, the conclusion will present the main findings of the research about the research questions and objectives. Then, the chapter discusses the limitations of the study, possible future research, and the recommendations based on the research findings.
As mentioned in paragraph 1. This analysis serves as the basis for identifying the research gap that is filled by the findings of the study. In essence, the chapter comprises of twelve items addressing loyalty, customer satisfaction, and the gap analysis as discussed onwards. In section 1. Critically, this implies that the seller or the service provider must ensure a positive emotional experience using whatever actions or attributes.
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, time: 5:38
Service quality is more theoretical than customer satisfaction as customer satisfaction reflects the customer’s outlook as well as experiences at the same time as service quality is always affected by the perceptions or by the experiences of other people related to the blogger.comted Reading Time: 10 mins Conclusion. According to the study, it is concluded that sellers, manufacturers, and service providers in the Smartphone industries, as well as other industries, must check their pricing strategy, reduce the cost of use, improve product or service quality, and monitor market share to achieve high customer satisfaction and loyalty and services literature and studies have shown that service quality is an antecedent of customer satisfaction, this paper seeks to find out the service dimensions of service quality, which lead to higher levels of customer satisfaction
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