Persuasive Essay On Cheating In School. Words5 Pages. Cheating is never a justifiable behavior, but it was often considered as an option to complete the work or to achieve the goal. Thought the history of mankind, the skill of cheating has been enhanced, developed and used in variety of ways. Although numerous laws and restrictions have been enforced in order to prevent this phenomenon, Cheating is an issue that affects many students at one time or another throughout their education. There are many different ways to cheat: copying homework, looking over at a peers test, plagiarizing, and so on. Nothing good comes from cheating your way through school, the Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins Cheating in Schools. “Cheating is an improper action that is not allowed in this class,” one of the common phrases familiar with students in school. This statement is often written either in bold, italics or underlined. Cheating is an improper way mostly ‘shortcuts’ in finding information in particular questions or achieving a specific goal
Cheating In School Essay - Words | Bartleby
Cheating in schools has become the order of the day and is no more considered a big deal. Sometimes it is even deemed necessary, essay about cheating in school. Sadly, this is not only by the participating students but also by quite a number of teachers. Some merely ignore it while others go as far as taking part in it. Public schools are the most affected by this particular issue.
The reasons for cheating in public schools include; extrinsic inspiration of students, inadequate connection to school, negative frame of mind, risk essay about cheating in school comportment and setting of unrealistically high targets for teachers. Researches done over the years show that cheating is increasing steadily with time in all institutions Baggish. There are two major categories of students: students who appreciate learning mainly for the sake of gaining knowledge and those seeking prizes, admissions to higher learning institutions and contented parents.
The former are self- driven whereas the latter are motivated by the promised accolades. There is however a third group of scholars who display equal rations of both inspirations. A survey done by the Independent Schools Health Check ISHC showed that self-driven students cheat the least Most students in public schools essay about cheating in school either prize driven or mixed hence they tend to cheat more than private schools.
Learners in public schools mostly feel unsupported by their teachers and dislike studying. They find the school rules unfair and lack a sense of belonging. They generally experience little or no internal pressure to succeed, unlike their private school counterparts who relish their specialized curriculums, like their teachers essay about cheating in school find them helpful.
This deficiency in public schools leads to increased cheating in assignments and quizzes. Due to the low internal pressure for success, most students do their work simply to maintain routine and not to boost their knowledge. However, even some of the students who retain a suitable connection to school take part in cheating. Such students are usually experiencing emotional, developmental and interactive troubles.
The majorities are found in public institutions and are a much diversified set of students. They generally feel isolated, upset, dejected and displeased with essay about cheating in school. Their rates of cheating are pretty high, between twenty and forty percent. This is in accordance with the study done by the ISHC.
Students who take other risks include those who use tobacco, hefty consumers of alcohol, users of drugs such as marijuana and those who are taking part in sexual activities. According to the analysis carried out by the ISHC, essay about cheating in school, This shows that the risks taken are directly proportional to the cheating levels.
Students who take more risks also cheat more whereas those who take fewer risks cheat less Blackler. Cheating is no longer rampant in colleges only but also in high schools. This has caused the attitude that people now treat it with, considering it no big deal. They contend that the internet is a good research implement hence it should not be considered cheating.
We are not helping them to understand. Getting teachers to let students know they care about the issue is an important first step. Worse still, students today feel that teachers sometimes disregard cheating. However, now many high schools expect a solution from technology and anti-piracy software. In Atlanta, detectives who have concluded a two year investigation established that objectives set for public school teachers had been unrealistically high.
Success is rewarded and failure penalized. The gravity to yield grades by any method possible thus became more vital than genuine educational growth. This led to bullying of teachers from the uppermost ranks to lower ones threatening them to either achieve the desired outcome in three years or get canned. Teachers assembled to rub essay about cheating in school wrong answers and correct them; they sat the lower-scoring students next to their more adept colleagues and conveyed answers to students both directly and indirectly, essay about cheating in school.
In one particular instance, a student sat under the desk and declined the exam yet astoundingly he made the required grade. People who threatened this arrangement such as Dr. Jackie Boyce in were immediately silenced with intimidations.
There have been established cases of cheating in several districts and states and they are still on the rise. Although most surveys show that public schools cheat more than private schools, essay about cheating in school, some tend to disagree. A study, Report Card The Ethics of American Youth issued by Josephson Institute for Ethics revealed that private schools cheat more than public schools, essay about cheating in school.
It was found that even those whose spiritual backgrounds mattered greatly to them took part in cheating. Surprisingly, the spiritual background does not seem to prevent students from lying. Regardless of these conclusions, believers of religion based education continue to emphasize that government assistance to religious learning institutions will improve the principles of students.
A Yale University professor and supporter of vouchers, Stephen L. He went on to say the fact that nine out of ten of all students go to essay about cheating in school based learning institutions is likely to portray a parental conclusion that nurturing decent and respectable children is of greater magnitude than improving academic performance Kennedy.
Cheating undoubtedly leaves a certain mark on every student who takes part in it. Impossible as it may seem, it actually leaves a positive mark on some even though most experience negative effects, essay about cheating in school. Due to the inefficiency in enforcing measures to curb cheating, majority of the culprits get away with it; and most of them carry on with dishonesty in higher learning institutions and on to their occupations.
They also behave similarly in their family units. As a result, children brought up by these people wind up having a lower moral upstanding than their parents. This directly increases the percentile of cheating students with passing time. Some of the cheaters however, are usually caught and disciplinary measures taken depending on the level of learning.
For high school students, warnings, suspensions and expulsions in extreme cases usually suffice. In higher learning institutions more severe measures are usually taken. Sometimes cheaters are sentenced to prison or barred from further learning in those particular institutions. This forces them to give up education altogether and seek other ways of earning a living. However, not all learn the intended lesson. Those who learn adjust their behavior and in many cases manage to bring up children with higher moral standards.
However those who fail to learn end up just like those who were never caught in terms of attitude. All in all, cheating should be eliminated no matter what the cost. Its eradication should begin from educators, parents and the community in general. Baggish, Rosemary and Peter, Wells. Academic Search Complete. Blackler, Zoe. Kennedy, Robert. Kennedy Robert. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online, essay about cheating in school.
Cheating in schools. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. If you continue, we will assume that you agree to our Cookies Policy. Introduction Cheating in schools has become the order of the day and is no more considered a big deal. Learn More. We will write a custom Essay on Cheating in schools specifically for you! Not sure if you can write a paper on Cheating in schools by yourself? This essay on Cheating in schools was written and submitted by your fellow student.
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The Truth About Cheating in High School -- Video Essay
, time: 10:40Cheating in schools - Words | Essay Example
Cheating in Schools. “Cheating is an improper action that is not allowed in this class,” one of the common phrases familiar with students in school. This statement is often written either in bold, italics or underlined. Cheating is an improper way mostly ‘shortcuts’ in finding information in particular questions or achieving a specific goal Cheating in American Schools - A National Disgrace Cheating by students in American schools has become a serious and growing problem. A poll of 12, college graduates in the contiguous United States with a 62% response rate showed the following: 45% of all students cheated on an examination that counted toward % of their grade and 51% cheated on an exam that counted toward 33 Persuasive Essay On Cheating In School. Words5 Pages. Cheating is never a justifiable behavior, but it was often considered as an option to complete the work or to achieve the goal. Thought the history of mankind, the skill of cheating has been enhanced, developed and used in variety of ways. Although numerous laws and restrictions have been enforced in order to prevent this phenomenon,
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