Saturday, November 27, 2021

Evidence based practice in nursing essay

Evidence based practice in nursing essay

evidence based practice in nursing essay

Evidence Based Practice Essay. Introduction. Skela-Savič et al () defines evidence-based practice (EBP) as utilizing the most recent peer reviewed evidence-based resources, clinical expertise, and patient preferences to make clinical decisions. When applied in clinical practice, evidence-based practice results in improved patient outcomes Therefore, as a practicing nurse, evidence-based practice is using the current evidence from research to support and making decision in patients’ care. However, majority of nurses are not aware that there are latest research findings available to optimize patients’ care. In my practice arena, research is seldom used as a source of evidence Evidence based practice refers to all the clinical judgments that are prepared on the basis of investigation and scientific studies which facilitates in the distribution of the high quality care to the patient to make better results. Evidence-based health care practices are accessible for a number of circumstances such as diabetes, heart failure, kidney failure, and asthma. Related Articles

NURS : Quality and Safety through Evidence-Based Practice Essay : Nursing Class Essays

Evidence-Based Practice EBP is a thoughtful integration of the best available evidence, coupled with clinical expertise. As such it enables health practitioners of all varieties to address healthcare questions with an evaluative and qualitative approach. EBP allows the practitioner to assess current and past research, clinical guidelines, and other information resources in order to identify relevant literature while differentiating between high-quality and low-quality findings.

Evidence based practices was founded by Dr. Ardice Cochranea British epidemiologist. Cochrane was a strong proponent using evidence from randomized clinical trials because he believed that this was the strongest evidence on which clinical evidence based practice in nursing essay division is to be based. NURS : Quality and Safety through Evidence-Based Practice Essay. Evidence based health care practices are available for a number of conditions such as asthma,smoking cessation,heart failure and others.

However these practices are not be implemented in care delivery and variation of practices[CMS,;Institute of medicine ,]. The most common definition of Evidence-Based Practice EBP is from Dr. David Sackett. It means integrating individual clinical expertise with the best available external clinical evidence from systematic research.

Evidence based practice is an approach which tries to specify the way in which professionals or other decision mkers should make decisions by identifying such evidence that there may be for a practice and rating it according to how scientifically sound it may be.

Its goal is to eliminate evidence based practice in nursing essay or excessively risky practices in favour of those that have better outcomes. Evidence based practices has contributed a lot towards better patient outcomes. The ultimate goal of evidenced based nursing is to provide the highest quality and most cost-efficient nursing care possible. The purpose of evidence based practice in nursing is mainly to improve the quality of nursing care.

For example: If you are caring for a child who was in a motor vehicle accident and sustained a severe head injury, would you want to know and use the effective ,empirically supported treatment established from randomized controlled trials to decrease his or her intracranial pressure? Conceptually, the trilateral principles forming the bases for EBP can be represented through a simple figure: NURS : Quality and Safety through Evidence-Based Practice Essay.

Evidence based practice process involves 5 steps as: 1. Formulating a clear question based on a clinical problem 2. Literture review to search for the best available evidences 3. Evaluating and analyzing the strengths and weaknessof that evidence in terms of validity and genelisability 4. Implementing useful findings in clinical practice based lon valid evidence 5.

Evaluating efficacy and performance of evidences through a process of self reflectionaudit, or peer aseessment 1. Formulating a clear question based on a clinical problem:[ ASK the question ] The first step is to formulate a clear question based on clinical problems.

Ideas come from different sources but are categorized in two areas: Problem focused triggers and Knowledgee focused triggers. Problem focused triggers are identified by healthcare staff through quality improvement,risk surveillance,benchmarking data,financial data, evidence based practice in nursing essay, or recurrent clinical problems. Problem focused triggers could be clinical problems,or risk management issues. Example:Increased incidence of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary emboli in trauma and neurosurgical patients.

Diagnosis and proper treatment of a DVT is a very important task for health care professionals and is meant to prevent pulmonary embolism. This is an example of an important re tht more research can be conducted to add into evidence —based practice. Knowledge focused triggers are created when health care staff read research, listen to scientific papers at research conferences.

Knowledge based triggers could be new research findings that further enhance nursing ,or new practice guidelines. Example: Pain management. When selecting a question ,nurses should formulate questions that are likely to gain support from people within the organization. The priority of the question should be considered as well as the sevearity of the problem.

Nurses should consider whether the topic would apply to many or few clinical areas. Also,the availability of the solid evidence should be considered. This will increase the staff willingness to implement into nursing practice.

When forming a clinical question the following should be considered:the disorder or disease of the patient, the intervention or finding being reviewed, possibly a comparison intervention and the outcome. An acronym used to remember this is called the PICO model.

P-Who is the patient population? I-What is the potential intervention or area of interest? C-Is there a a comparison intervention or control group? O-What is the desired outcome?

Once the topic is selected ,the research relevant to the topic must be reviewed. It is important that clinical studiesintegrative literature reviewesmeta analysis, and well known and reliable existing evidence based practices guidelines are accessed in the literature retrieval process. The article can be loaded with optionated nd or biased statements that would clearly taint the findings, evidence based practice in nursing essay, thus lowering the credibility and quality of article.

Time management is crucial to information retrieval. To maintain high standards for evidence based practice implementation, education in research review is necessary to distinguish good research from poorly conducted research. it is important to review the current materials. Once the literature is located, it is helpful to evidence based practice in nursing essay the articles either conceptual or data-based. Before reading and critiquing the research ,it is useful to read theoretical and clinical articles to have a broad view of the nature of evidence based practice in nursing essay topic and related conceptsand to then review existing evidence based practice guidelines.

Evaluating and analyzing the strengths and weakness of that evidence in terms of validity and generalisability: [APPRAISE the evidence].

Use of rating systems to determine the quality of the research is crucial to the development of evidence based practice. Once you have found some potentially useful evidence it must be critically appraised to determine its validity and find out whether it will indeed answer your question.

When appraising the evidence the main questions to ask, therefore, evidence based practice in nursing essay, are: Can the evidence e. the results of the research study be trusted? What does the evidence mean? Different appraisal and interpreting skills must be used depending on the kind of evidence being considered. Additionally, guidance and training on appraising different types of evidence are available from some of the websites listed on the Useful Internet Resources.

After determining the internal and external validity of the study ,a decisions is arrived at whether the information gathered does apply to your initial question, evidence based practice in nursing essay. It is important to address questions related to diagnosis ,therpy ,harm, and prognosis. Once you have concluded that the evidence is of sound quality, you will need to draw on your own expertise, experience and knowledge of your unique patient and clinical setting, evidence based practice in nursing essay.

This will help you to decide whether the evidence should be incorporated into your clinical practice. You must consider both the benefits and risks of implementing the change, as well as the benefits and risks of excluding any alternatives.

This decision should be made in collaboration with your patient, and in consultation with your manager or multidisciplinary team where appropriate. The information gathered should be interpreted according to many criteria and should always be shared with other nurses. Evaluating efficacy and performance of evidences through a process of self reflection ,auditor peer assessment: [self-evaluation ]. Finally after implementation of the useful findings for the clinical practices;efficacy and performance is evaluated through process of self reflection ,internal or external audit or peer assessment.

Part of the evaluation process involves following upto determine if your actions or decisions achieved the desired outcome. ASSESS the patient 1. Start with the patient — a clinical problem or question arises from evidence based practice in nursing essay care of the patient ASK the question 2, evidence based practice in nursing essay. Construct a well built clinical question derived from the case ACQUIRE the evidence 3.

Select the appropriate resource s and conduct a search APPRAISE the evidence 4. Appraise that evidence for its validity closeness to the truth and applicability usefulness in clinical practice APPLY: talk with the patient 5.

Return to the patient — integrate that evidence with clinical expertise, evidence based practice in nursing essay, patient preferences and apply it to practice Self-evaluation 6. Evaluate your performance with this patient. There are many barriers to promoting evidence based practices such as: Lack of professional ability to critically appraise research.

this includes having a considerable amount of research evaluation skills ,access to journals ,nd hospital support to spend evidence based practice in nursing essay are limited to the nurses. Lack of time workload pressure ,and competing priorities of patient care can impede use of evidence based practice. Lack of knowledge of research methods. Lack of support from the professional colleges and organizationsand lack of confidence nd authority in the research area Practice environment can be resistant to changing tried and true conventional methods of practice.

It is important to show nurses who may be resistant to changes the nursing practice the benefits that nurses, their patients and their institutions can reap from the implementation of evidence base nursing practices which is to provide better nursing care. Values ,resources and evidence are the three factors that influence decision making with regard to health care.

In adition the nurses need to be evidence based practice in nursing essay aware of how to assess the information and determine its applicability to the practice. Lack of continuing educational programs.

Practices donot give have the means to provide workshops to teach new skills due to lack of funding, evidence based practice in nursing essay, staff and time ;therefore research may be tossed dismissed, evidence based practice in nursing essay.

if this will occur valuable treatment may never be utilized in the practice. Another barrier is introducing newly learned method for improving the treatments or patients.

New nurses might feel it is not their place to suggest oreven tell a superior nurse that newermore efficient methods and practices are available. The perceived threat to clinical freedom offered by evidence — based practice is neither logical nor surprising.

When we make decisions based upon good quality information we are inconsistent and biased. A number of different models and theories of evidence based practice has been developed and are important resources. These models offer frameworks for understanding the evidence based practice process and for implementing an evidence based practice project in a practice setting.

Models that offer a framework for guiding an evidence based practice include the following : Advancing research and clinical practice through close collaboration ARCC model [Melynk and fineout-overholt ,] Diffusion of innovations theory [Rogers]. Framework for adopting an evidence —based innovation [DiCenso et. al, ] Ottawa model of research use [Logan and Graham ,] Promoting action on research implementation in health services PARIHS] model-,[Rycroft — Malone et.

Evidence Based Practice Fundamental of nursing

, time: 15:16

evidence based practice in nursing essay

Evidence Based Practice Essay. Introduction. Skela-Savič et al () defines evidence-based practice (EBP) as utilizing the most recent peer reviewed evidence-based resources, clinical expertise, and patient preferences to make clinical decisions. When applied in clinical practice, evidence-based practice results in improved patient outcomes Evidence based practice refers to all the clinical judgments that are prepared on the basis of investigation and scientific studies which facilitates in the distribution of the high quality care to the patient to make better results. Evidence-based health care practices are accessible for a number of circumstances such as diabetes, heart failure, kidney failure, and asthma. Related Articles Nov 26,  · Evidence Based Practice in Nursing Essay November 26, / 0 Comments / in Home>Assignment Solution / by According to a published article on nursing practices, turning and repositioning patients help reduce the risk of pressure injuries since it promotes good hygiene

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