CrimSL—the Centre for Criminology & Sociolegal Studies— is a research and teaching unit at the University of Toronto. The Centre’s faculty and students study crime, order, security, and regulation from a variety of disciplinary perspectives and theoretical approaches. They are actively engaged in Canadian and international criminological and sociolegal research and contribute to the Two-year (part-time) Masters course in Applied Criminology, Penology & Management - Applications are now open! The course is designed to meet the needs of senior and aspiring leaders working in prisons, probation, law, the magistracy and other related areas of criminal justice, including the SFU PhD grad poised to advise US jurisdictions on civilian police oversight. is a year of firsts for BC’s former chief civilian director of the Independent Investigations Office Richard Rosenthal ̶ he’s earned his PhD in criminology, became certified as a fire truck operator, gotten engaged, and begun his new consulting career to help establish civilian oversight offices in the U.S
60 Best Criminology Dissertation Ideas To Ace Your Grades
Explore the subject areas below to see the wide range of disciplines you can conduct your research in, and learn more about the types of research degrees on offer to phd thesis on criminology whether a Doctor of Philosophy PhDMaster of Philosophy MPhil or Professional Doctorate is right phd thesis on criminology you. The subject areas listed on this page represent broad topics we offer supervision in. Our experts supervise PhD students in a huge range of topics, and we can reallocate applications to the most suitable subject area after you apply.
To find out more about interdisciplinary research at Stirling, view our Research themes and programmes, phd thesis on criminology. Our Accounting and Finance research is recognised as being academically excellent, policy relevant, and of benefit to phd thesis on criminology. The Accounting and Finance Division at Stirling offers a stimulating environment in which to study towards a PhD.
Students come onto this pathway from a variety of backgrounds, phd thesis on criminology, including disciplines allied with accounting and finance phd thesis on criminology as economics.
There is a national shortage of researchers phd thesis on criminology this area and the need to increase the number of PhD students to address this shortage has been highlighted in independent reports. As such, students who complete the PhD Accounting and Finance phd thesis on criminology have excellent career prospects and will be in high demand in both academia and industry.
Students graduating from this programme have found faculty positions in top universities across Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, as well as in leading financial institutions. The PhD Accounting and Finance programme is accredited by the ESRC and affiliated by the Accounting and Finance pathway of the Scottish Graduate School, which is supported by the British Accounting Association BAA and its regional Scottish Accounting Group SAG active for over 20 years as well as the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland ICAS.
Whether your career aim involves a research or teaching lead academic career, or working in a leading financial institution, the PhD in Accounting and Finance can help you achieve your goals. The University of Stirling is a global leader in aquaculture research and teaching, phd thesis on criminology, supporting the development of aquaculture worldwide. Our expert staff, facilities and networks — including the Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre hosted at Stirling — make us the first choice for research partners from across the globe.
Our research looks at reproduction, genetics, aquatic animal health and welfare, nutrition, production systems, environments, markets, and social and economic impacts — with the overarching goal of providing insights and solutions that will help meet the global challenges of feeding the world in a sustainable manner. We welcome applications from prospective postgraduate researchers who are passionate about making a contribution to the research activities undertaken phd thesis on criminology the Institute, phd thesis on criminology.
Our Faculty of Natural Sciences is internationally renowned for research exploring the relationship between human behaviour, technology and the environment. We offer PhDs supervised by expert staff, phd thesis on criminology, and are proud of the key contributions made by research students to our achievements.
PhD students in Biology will join a vibrant research environment in which we seek to understand the fundamental processes driving the evolution phd thesis on criminology maintenance of biodiversity, from the molecular to the ecosystem level.
We look at how environments and ecosystems have changed over annual to millennial timescales to predict and mitigate the future impacts of anthropogenic change and natural hazards, phd thesis on criminology. We consistently attract major research grant phd thesis on criminology from the Natural Environment Research Council, the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, the Leverhulme Trust, charitable trusts and industrial sponsors, phd thesis on criminology.
You can find out more about our PhD opportunities in Phd thesis on criminology and Environmental Sciences. PhD students in Ecology will join a vibrant research environment in which we seek to understand the fundamental processes driving the evolution and maintenance of biodiversity, from the molecular to the ecosystem level.
PhD students in Environmental Science will join a vibrant research environment in which we seek to understand the phd thesis on criminology processes driving the evolution and maintenance of biodiversity, from the molecular to the ecosystem level.
The University of Stirling has a long-standing reputation for excellence in Communications, Media and Culture research. Our work encompasses research into screen and print media, digital media and social media, public communication and promotional culture, heritage and archives. We have research specialists in journalism and public relations in addition to researchers working on many aspects of media representation, media institutions, media and communications policy, and also on numerous relationships between media, culture and society.
Communications and media research at Stirling has played an important role in the development of the research field both in the UK and internationally from the foundation of the original department in Our expertise in Public Relations has helped us build strong links with industry, giving PhD students the chance to both learn from and contribute to the latest thinking in the arena.
We host regular visits from guest speakers and work closely with a range of international research partners — further contributing to a vibrant research environment that values your contribution phd thesis on criminology a Postgraduate researcher and supports you in your ambitions.
Our Professional Doctorate in Data Science is the first industrial doctorate of its kind, and is supported by The Data Lab. The research programme is conducted in collaboration with an industrial partner around industry-relevant research questions, phd thesis on criminology. Students should be employees or have established a collaboration with an industrial partner. If an industrial partner has not been identified yet, interested applicants may either check with relevant academic staff if opportunities are available typically, active staff in the topic of interestor enrol in one of the available MSc programs you may want to get in touch with the program directorwhich can then grant access to the second year of the Professional Doctorate in Data Science, should an industrial collaboration be identified meanwhile.
The contributions of our postgraduate researchers play a vital role in our work, and we welcome applications from anyone who shares our passion for making a positive impact through Computing Science phd thesis on criminology. Find out more about our PhD opportunities in Phd thesis on criminology Science and Mathematics.
The contributions of our postgraduate researchers play a vital role in our work, and we welcome applications from anyone who shares our passion for making a positive impact through Mathematics research.
Our Applied Social Research Doctorate is designed to transform the way you think as a professional and ensure you can make a powerful impact in your field.
The course is phd thesis on criminology flexible and attendance is kept to a minimum to ensure you can fit your studies around your career. Dementia research at the University of Stirling is multidisciplinary, relevant to policy and practice, and places a particular emphasis on people with dementia and those who support and care for them.
Our research spans from healthcare — looking at the outcomes of people with cognitive impairment and dementia in the hospital setting — through to end of life care, decision making for care provision, the roles of community based care professionals in particular community pharmacists, and the importance of the dementia friendly neighbourhood. This large spectrum of research is made possible by the vast skill mix of the team: doctors, nurses, pharmacists, psychologist, economists, social workers, social scientists, musicians, phd thesis on criminology and people with dementia.
The Research Group works with researchers, clinicians and social phd thesis on criminology practitioners from many disciplines across the University and with national and international colleagues in Europe, North America, Asia and Australasia. The University of Stirling is also home to the Dementia Services Development Centre — an international centre of knowledge and expertise.
We welcome applications from prospective PhD students who are interested in joining us in our work, phd thesis on criminology. The aim of the PhD Economics programme is the development of students who a develop a very high degree of technical ability in economic theory and methods, to allow advanced career progression in the field, and b are supported to make an original research contribution to knowledge through high level peer-reviewed publication.
The PhD programme is affiliated with the prestigious Scottish Graduate Programme phd thesis on criminology Economics and is accredited by the Economic and Social Research Council. In REFStirling was placed 6th in Scotland and phd thesis on criminology in the UK with almost three quarters of research activity rated either world-leading or internationally excellent.
In Scotland, the School was ranked in the top five. The division is a vibrant and friendly place in which to be based, with a weekly seminar series providing contact with leading external researchers, as well as opportunities to network with academic staff from the division.
Whether your career aim involves a research or teaching lead academic career, working in an environmental charity or NGO, or a having a professional economist position in a financial institution, a PhD in Economics can help phd thesis on criminology achieve your goals. Whatever your area of education — from schools, colleges and universities to professional, work-based and lifelong learning, or policy development — earning a Professional Doctorate will position you as a leader in your field.
Our Doctorate in Education is tailored to the needs of busy professionals, and combines an excellent grounding in research methods and educational theory with the opportunity to put your research phd thesis on criminology work in improving professional policy and practice.
Our early years education research has influenced education provision and practice in the UK, phd thesis on criminology, Ireland, Australia and the USA, and our research on the Curriculum for Excellence CfE is influencing government policy around CfE and developing key tools for teachers to use in schools to improve education.
A PhD in TESOL Research will mark you out as an expert researcher in the field of teaching English to speakers of other languages, and will equip you with new skills in understanding complex matters and increase your confidence as a researcher.
Our Doctorate of Applied Social Research Family Therapy is designed to transform the way you think as a professional and ensure you can make a powerful impact in your field. Our Clinical Doctorate is the only one of its kind in Scotland, tailored to the needs of nurses, phd thesis on criminology, midwives and allied health professionals. The course is practice-focused and has been designed to prepare you for leadership roles in the healthcare sector.
Healthcare professionals on the course could include: nurses, midwives, dieticians, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, paramedics, speech and language therapists, phd thesis on criminology, podiatrists, sport psychologists and genetic counsellors. These include specialists in public health, epidemiology, statistics, social marketing, health psychology, nursing, health services research and evaluation. They have expertise in a range of qualitative and quantitative methods.
If you share our passion, the University of Stirling is the perfect place to conduct postgraduate research in Health Sciences.
These include registered nurses, midwives and other allied health care professionals, who have interests across the fields of practice and work in research teams in self-care, cancer care, evaluation and public health.
If you share our passion, the University of Stirling is the perfect place to conduct postgraduate research in Nursing. This course brings together best practice in academic learning and professional expertise, phd thesis on criminology. A unique feature of the face-to-face and practical aspect of the course is weekend seminars, which maximise your opportunities for discussion of key issues and flexible delivery. The suite of modules includes diplomatic simulations and negotiation exercises, which can also be taken à la carte.
The DDipl consists of two parts. Full-time students can expect to complete the degree in three to four years. In your final year with the option of applying for a one-year extensionPhD candidates will complete a thesis within about one year. This thesis will enable you to reflect on pertinent issues of diplomacy in light of the theory and conceptual knowledge you have gained over the course of your degree — as well as through your independent research.
Most working professionals are likely to choose part-time study for this degree. If you choose the part-time degree pathway, the completion of the DDipl will take proportionately longer.
Research students can draw on the expertise of our academic staff, all of whom have national and international reputations in their respective fields. We value the opportunity to work with new research talent and have put in place a supportive environment for you to develop your skills and pursue your specialist field of research. The Faculty of Arts and Humanities has a vibrant postgraduate research community working across its four Divisions.
Students are provided with access to dedicated research facilities as well as an opportunity to attend a range of research seminars and workshops within specialist research centres and collaboratively across multi-disciplinary subjects. Research students have access to a number of training opportunities, at University, Faculty and Divisional levels, including subject specialist training within postgraduate research seminars and other forums.
In the Faculty of Social Sciences we engage with communities around the world and produce research that makes a positive difference to society. Our Housing Studies staff are on the cutting-edge of housing research, with specialist expertise in policy analysis, homelessness and housing rights, social theory, housing and land market analysis. In the most recent Research Excellence Framework, we were ranked 1 st in Scotland for research publications in Law. Our staff are committed to producing high quality publications, which impact on legal scholarship and outside academia.
Research is centred around a number of clusters, reflecting staff expertise. These include Private Law, Environmental and Energy Law, Public Law, Competition Law, Intellectual Property and Legal Philosophy. Our Law staff are involved in a number of research networks and groups — from the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Implementation Project, to the University Association for Contemporary European Studies, phd thesis on criminology.
The University of Stirling offers a range of postgraduate research opportunities in Philosophy through our collaboration with the University of St Andrews. The philosophical ambience is rigorous, friendly and co-operative. We offer graduate teaching at a level that matches the best graduate programmes elsewhere in the world, across many areas of Philosophy. Our students are active participants in both the Arché Philosophical Research Centre and the Centre for Ethics, Philosophy and Public Affairs.
In addition, the department hosts the Institute for Gender Studies. Learn more about our Philosophy research. In conducting English studies research at Stirling, we are guided by our policy on impact: to preserve and make public global literary and cultural heritage; to develop new vocabularies to enhance understanding of cultural values and practices; to inspire and educate readers and audiences outside academia.
Recent collaborations with external partners include the British Library, Aye Write! We also offer the opportunity to pursue a practice-led PhD in Creative Writing, phd thesis on criminology specialist supervision from the writers on our staff.
Research students in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities are provided with access to dedicated research facilities as well as an opportunity to attend a range of research seminars and workshops within specialist research centres and collaboratively across multi-disciplinary subjects, phd thesis on criminology.
These interests come together in our strengths in global Film Studies, where we bring together more specialists on more francophone areas than in any other French Studies grouping in the world. We work within a shared set of research groups, bringing together outstanding researchers to develop their fields. Our wide-ranging expertise comprises creative practice and the study of global literatures, languages and cultures from the medieval period to the present day. The Stirling Centre for International Publishing and Communication at the University of Stirling is a world-leading centre for postgraduate publishing studies, offering expertise in contemporary and historical publishing in the UK and beyond.
, time: 18:52Our Online PhD Services: How We Can Help You

The first recorded thesis was dated , though all theses prior to were lost during the occupation of WWII. The HKU Scholars Hub includes theses in the arts, humanities, education and the social, medical and natural sciences Two-year (part-time) Masters course in Applied Criminology, Penology & Management - Applications are now open! The course is designed to meet the needs of senior and aspiring leaders working in prisons, probation, law, the magistracy and other related areas of criminal justice, including the SFU PhD grad poised to advise US jurisdictions on civilian police oversight. is a year of firsts for BC’s former chief civilian director of the Independent Investigations Office Richard Rosenthal ̶ he’s earned his PhD in criminology, became certified as a fire truck operator, gotten engaged, and begun his new consulting career to help establish civilian oversight offices in the U.S
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