Nov 20, · Borderline Personality Disorder Statistics on Prevalence. The term borderline is in reference to the boundary between neurosis and psychosis. Recent research in the United States shows that about % of the country’s total population have Borderline Personality Disorder. The percentage translates to about four million people Dec 13, · RESEARCH on BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER Abstract This paper explores many online, and peer-reviewed journal articles that explore not only the treatments associated with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), but also the theories, myths, symptoms, and characteristics of persons suffering from and dealing with BPD% Nov 18, · Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a chronic psychiatric disorder characterized by pervasive patterns of affective instability, self-image disturbances, instability of interpersonal relationships, marked impulsivity, and suicidal behavior (suicidal ideation and attempt) causing significant impairment and distress in individual’s life. Patients with BPD suffer considerable morbidity which Cited by: 10
The Lifetime Course of Borderline Personality Disorder
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Borderline personality disorder research paper borderline personality disorder a term that identifies a heterogenous group of patients with serious character pathology and behavioral disturbances. The main features of this disorder are behavior that is impulsive, research paper borderline personality disorder, dramatic, and often self-destructive; moods that are labile and reactive to life circumstances; interpersonal relationships that are stormy; and a sense of self-identity that is fragile and contradictory.
Historical Development of the Concept of Borderline Personality Disorder, research paper borderline personality disorder. Borderline Personality Disorder Core Symptoms and Character Styles.
Demographic and Data-Based Studies of Borderline Personality Disorder. BPD as Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Secondary to Childhood Sexual and Physical Abuse. More than one decade after the development and publication of DSM-III, borderline personality disorder BPD remains the most controversial category in the nomenclature.
Disagreement persists regarding the term itself, the particular diagnostic criteria established for BPD by DSM-III and DSM-IV, the scope of applicability, and the extent of overlap with Axis I and other Axis II disorders. Ultimately, this degree and intensity of dispute reflect both the range of difficulties in identifying and working with those persons designated as borderline, as well as the more basic question of validity: whether the BPD construct describes a meaningful unitary syndrome that research paper borderline personality disorder to an actually existing state of affairs.
While this latter question can certainly be asked of any of the personality Axis II disorders, something about the borderline concept seems to have engendered the strongest controversy.
At least one major reason for the ongoing disputes is the fact that the very concept of borderline was born out of attempts to explain the clinical observation that certain patients seemed to do very poorly in psychodynamic psychotherapy. Thus, from the very first, this category was used to describe a disparate group of patients who had two things in common: they research paper borderline personality disorder to psychotherapy by developing transient psychotic symptoms and they did not meet classical definitions of schizophrenia.
It is not that they did not necessarily improve; many obsessional patients, for example, did not improve with psychotherapy. Rather, it is that these patients worsened in psychotherapy with a fairly specific pattern of acting out that showed up most dramatically in the development of severe transference problems.
The difficulty confronting the predominantly psychoanalytic theoreticians and skilled therapists was how to fathom the nature of these patients who gave promise of being good psychotherapeutic cases, yet deteriorated during the course of a psychotherapy. Thus, the very origins of the borderline concept arose in the context of a clinical puzzle. The solution to the puzzle, keeping in mind that American psychiatry held a much more encompassing concept of schizophrenia in the s and s than at present, was to conceptualize these patients who became worse in psychotherapy as having a schizophrenic core underlying the neurotic facade.
This notion was given concrete expression in a paper by Hoch and Polatin in describing the new category of pseudoneurotic schizophrenia. The construct fit neatly into a psychoanalytic model that postulated a spectrum of psychopathology based upon increasing primitiveness of defense mechanisms, extending in an unbroken chain from mild neurotics at one end to deteriorated schizophrenics at the other.
The pseudoneurotic patient served as the missing link, bridging neurosis and psychosis, and thus serving as visible proof of the continuity connecting mild and severe psychiatric disorders. The problem with the pseudoneurotic schizophrenia construct was that the patients did not go on to develop the more classical symptoms of hallucinations and delusions nor the deteriorating course that is the usual outcome of schizophrenia. Nevertheless, research paper borderline personality disorder, the observation that there existed a group of patients who appeared neurotic, but worsened with intensive psychotherapy, was a valid finding that outlived the misleading label attached to it.
The focus of what might be wrong with these difficult-to-treat patients shifted away from schizophrenia to consideration of severe character pathology, described as borderline states by Knight in and as the psychotic character by Frosch in In addition, the joint U.
diagnostic studies carried out in the mid-to-late s demonstrated convincingly that many patients diagnosed as schizophrenic by American psychiatrists fit much better with manic-depressive and personality disorder symptoms and outcome. This diagnostic realignment tightened the diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia, thereby further emphasizing the differences between borderline conditions and schizophrenia.
InGrinker and colleagues published the results of their study of 58 hospitalized patients who fell into research paper borderline personality disorder broadly defined notion of borderline syndrome. These patients had difficulties in interpersonal relationships, transient losses of reality testing under stress, angry and depressive affects, and deficient self-identities.
Cluster analyses of the data, primarily of measurements of ego functions, produced four major clusters. It is instructive that in the next series of studies carried out by Gunderson and Singer inthe primary diagnostic concern was still to demonstrate that borderlines were different than schizophrenics.
At the same time that empirical studies were focusing on narrowing the construct of borderline, Kernberg developed a broader notion of borderline, based upon a fusion of ego psychology and object relations theory, to designate a form of personality organization that was characterized by the use of primitive ego defenses denial, splitting, projective identificationintact reality testing with transient regressions under stressand identity diffusion.
This was the state of affairs while the DSM-IV committee developed inclusion and exclusion criteria for the personality disorders. There were four competing and overlapping concepts of borderline, and the final result represented some degree of compromise between the various groups. Since ideological and economic considerations, in addition to empirical studies and clinical lore, influenced the final product, it is important to define these considerations in some detail.
The four overlapping concepts of borderline were as follows: 1 A residual model based upon the schizophrenic spectrum concept, using the term borderline to designate those persons, usually relatives of schizophrenics, who displayed odd, eccentric thinking and schizoid interpersonal relationships; this group was given the term schizotypal personality disorder.
The results were the creation of several new personality disorders within Axis II, not based upon empirical studies, but with each reflecting to some extent components that were once loosely connected to the borderline concept. Essentially, in dividing the broad territory of the borderline syndrome, as this concept evolved during a year span, the cognitive disturbances that had long been noticed were placed in the schizotypal personality research paper borderline personality disorder, the milder dramatic and attention-seeking traits were placed into the histrionic personality disorder, self-centeredness and entitlement became the core of the narcissistic personality disorder, and the affective symptoms of mood instability and negative affectivity depression, anger, anxietyalong with impulsivity, were given prominence in the borderline personality disorder.
Borderline personality disorder was defined by DSM-III-R as a condition marked by a pervasive pattern of instability of mood, interpersonal relationships, and self-image, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by at least five of the following:. The revision of DSM-III-R into DSM-IV was completed by late Although the BPD construct did not undergo any major alterations, several changes were instituted which served to correct the overemphasis in DSM-III on the close relationship between BPD and the affective disorders and the omission of cognitive deficits.
Criterion 3 Criterion 6 in DSM-IVwhich outlined the affective symptoms seen in BPD was changed to reflect reactivity of mood; this serves to emphasize the difference between the mood disturbances seen in BPD and the relatively situationindependent mood disturbances characteristic of the endogenous affective disorders major depression and manic-depressive illnesses.
Complementing this more accurate delineation of the type of mood disorder seen in BPD was the inclusion of a new criterion to reflect the specific cognitive disturbances of BPD, research paper borderline personality disorder. The DSM-IV calls for a ninth criterion as follows: Transient stress-related paranoid ideation or severe dissociative symptoms.
The main reason for this is that a clinical description needs to be a full and rich portrayal of the condition under question, whereas the requirements for diagnostic criteria are vastly different. Diagnostic criteria must aim for those characteristics of an illness that capture a few of its core symptoms while avoiding overlap with neighboring conditions.
For example, as indicated above, while boredom may very well be a characteristic mental state in BPD, it was also found in histrionic and narcissistic personality disorders and therefore was of little specific diagnostic value.
It did not help discriminate between BPD and other Cluster B personality disorders. In addition, diagnostic criteria must have acceptable validity and reliability.
The issue of validity of psychiatric disorders, research paper borderline personality disorder, especially of personality disorders, is a troublesome one, since there are not external validators. The construction of DSM-III had paid major attention, some would say excessively so, to reliability issues.
For example, certain factors that most workers would agree are characteristic of a disorder, research paper borderline personality disorder, such as the psychological defense of splitting in BPD, were not included in the diagnostic criteria because of a preference for behavioral rather than psychological phenomena, presumably because assessment of behaviors permits greater agreement as to whether they are present or not as compared to psychological constructs.
As indicated at the beginning of this research paper, there remains considerable controversy about the core characteristics and boundaries of BPD. Workers in the field have tended to bring to the evaluation of BPD their own theoretical and clinical perspectives in the research paper borderline personality disorder of borderlines. In addition, some of the core characteristics of BPD, such as an increase in dissociative phenomena, appear to be changing in the past decade, a possibility that raises the question of the cultural influences and even faddish quality of some of the symptoms.
Most workers would agree that BPD is a relatively severe personality disorder, seen primarily in young adults, that presents with a characteristic cognitive style, mood disturbances, problematic interpersonal relationships, negative and deficient sense of self, and a variety of dramatic and impulsive behaviors usually of a self-injurious nature.
These diagnostic features represent points distributed on a continuum of personality traits with somewhat arbitrary use of social norms to determine cut-off scores separating normal from pathological.
Because of this, research paper borderline personality disorder, some workers in the field have advocated use of a dimensional rather than categorical model for the personality disorders, but a categorical model has always been adopted because it is easier to use in clinical work.
The cognitive style seen in borderline individuals encompasses three overlapping features. First, borderlines tend to have altered states of consciousness; these are usually referred to as dissociative states, research paper borderline personality disorder, and vary in intensity, density, and duration.
They run the gamut from brief periods of self-absorption to fugue states lasting hours. The person may be partially or fully amnestic for some of the dissociative episodes.
Second, borderlines tend to split their universe into good and bad, black and white. They have difficulty research paper borderline personality disorder a person, including themselves, or an event, as encompassing positive and negative features, research paper borderline personality disorder.
They tend to swing between the opposite poles of idealization and devaluation in their affections toward others. Third, research paper borderline personality disorder, borderlines tend to have impressionistic and global rather than precise and focused perceptions.
They tend to be intolerant of unpleasant thoughts and images and to interrupt these processes with impulsive action, dissociation, and drug and alcohol use. There is a tendency toward imprecision and exaggeration, with a loss of salient detail.
All of these disturbances are increased under conditions of stress. The affective disturbances are characteristically mood instability or lability. Negative affects, such as sadness, research paper borderline personality disorder, anger, and anxiety predominate the emotional landscape, but too literal adherence to this description would belie the positive affects and interpersonal warmth that borderlines can exhibit. Problematic interpersonal relationships are a hallmark of borderlines.
Their relationships are characteristically intense, stormy, and conflictual, research paper borderline personality disorder. Victimization and entitlement themes in which the borderline alternates between being exploited by others and demanding reparations from others for damages incurred are frequent patterns seen in this disorder.
Borderline individuals tend to have a deficient sense of self, and what enduring image of themselves they may have is usually negative. A deficient sense of self refers to the absence of a stable sense of core identity, of knowing who you are. A certain degree of this is expected in adolescents and young adults in Western culture, but the borderline problem with identity, by definition, must go beyond the norm for this age group.
Borderlines research paper borderline personality disorder take on different roles and personality characteristics, depending upon the dominant features of the group they are associating with.
When not caught up in a persuasive group identity, borderlines tend to have very negative notions about themselves, ranging from dislike to contemptuous loathing. Finally, borderlines characteristically are dramatic and impulsive in their actions. The patterns of impulsivity include directly self-injurious behaviors as well as an assortment of either ill-considered or risk-taking behaviors that also may be seen as self-destructive.
Alcohol and drug abuse, bulimic eating disorders, promiscuity, and attraction to predatory partners are among the impusive actions seen in borderlines. As with the other core features of borderlines, the self-injurious behaviors range from infrequent and mild delicate cutting of the wrists to deep cutting of the limbs, torso, and genitals, as well as occasional ingenious use of cigarettes, lighters, caustic solutions, and hot irons to burn themselves.
Suicide threats and attempts are also hallmarks of borderlines, most frequently but not exclusively with prescription as well as nonprescription medication overdoses. There are no accurate measures of the prevalence of BPD in the community. Most estimates range from 0. The prevalence of the disorder in research paper borderline personality disorder settings is influenced by the type of clinical population under consideration.
Prevalence figures alone may be deceptive; it is possible that borderlines in an inpatient setting may have little similarity to outpatients who have never needed hospitalization. Although DSM-III diagnostic rules do not permit differential weighting of the different criteria, most studies have demonstrated that several items contribute disproportionately to diagnostic efficiency.
The presence of two, or at most three, specific criteria impulsivity, unstable-intense interpersonal relationships, and self-injurious behaviors predict most strongly the diagnosis of BPD, although once again, the type of clinical setting inpatient or outpatient will influence this finding. This finding continues to raise the question of whether personality disorders are discrete entities truly different from each other or reflect research paper borderline personality disorder on a continuum of serious character pathology, research paper borderline personality disorder.
There are several Axis I disorders that have substantial overlap with BPD. These are alcohol and substance abuse disorders, bulimia, and the mood disorders, primarily dysthymia and major depression. To some extent, this finding reflects overlapping criteria e.
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Nov 12, · Research Paper on Borderline Personality Disorder. November 12, UsefulResearchPapers Research Papers 0. Borderline personality disorder is a mental state characterized by such a psychopathological disorder, which includes a wide range of schizoid, narcissistic, perverse, and other manifestations that occupy an intermediate position between Dec 13, · RESEARCH on BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER Abstract This paper explores many online, and peer-reviewed journal articles that explore not only the treatments associated with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), but also the theories, myths, symptoms, and characteristics of persons suffering from and dealing with BPD% Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is described as the most lethal of psychiatric disorders, with suicide rates of %, a rate almost 50 times higher than that of the general population. The struggle to recover by changing suicidal behaviour is not well described in relation to people with BPD
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