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Master of Science in Telecommunication | BU MET
View Fullscreen Click here to download this pdf if it is not showing up properly in your browser. These forms are required for international students only. Through the website, applicants will have the opportunity to upload supporting documents, such as a statement of purpose, resume, residency documents for tuition purposes, immigration documents, and the like.
They can also provide contact information for recommenders who are then prompted to submit the letters of recommendation through the online portal. Once submitted, Graduate Admissions will promptly acknowledge receipt of the application via email and will provide a Panther ID as well as further instructions on how to access the MyFIU portal. Master science telecommunication system thesis in MyFIU, students can view the master science telecommunication system thesis in of their application, including any missing documents.
Once the applicant has been issued a Panther ID, they should include the Panther ID in all communications to the unit representatives, Graduate Admissions, International Student and Scholar Services, and Student Health services. Mailing address for couriers typically used for delivering documents from outside the United States :. FIU requires official documents, even for the initial review of the applications. Required official documents include transcripts, proof of degree, translations, and test scores if applicable.
Transcripts must be received in a sealed university envelope issued by the academic institution, from all institutions previously attended. FIU conducts evaluations of foreign transcripts internally.
Any transcripts that have been evaluated by a third party e. WES, Josef Sinly, etc. are considered unofficial by Graduate Admissions and will not fulfill the official transcript requirement. FIU will use evaluated documents for translation purposes only. Official test scores must be reported to the School by the testing agency, master science telecommunication system thesis in.
IELTS scores may be verified directly by the admissions officer if the applicant provides FIU with a copy of the score report. Please note that applications are not referred to the unit for review until official transcripts, translations, and test scores if applicable have been received. Uploaded copies of any of these documents are considered unofficial and will not be used in evaluating the application.
Once admitted, international students will also be required to show an official proof of degree, typically a diploma, but can do so upon their arrival to FIU. All international applicants must abide the international applicant deadline. Students must complete 6 credits in a single focus area of their choosing from the following options: Business, Communications, Software, Security, Wireless and Sensor Networks.
Students enrolled in the Thesis Option will complete 6 thesis credits in lieu of fulfilling the track requirement. TCN Telecommunications Technology Applications TCN Telecommunications Public Policy Development and Standards TCN Telecommunications Industry Development.
Communications Focus. EEL Digital Communication Systems I EEL Digital Communication Systems II. TCN Software Master science telecommunication system thesis in for Telecommunications Networks COP Principles of Database Management Systems TCN Telecommunication Network Programming.
CIS Systems Security CIS Information Security and Privacy TCN Information Theory. Wireless and Sensor Network Focus. TCN Master science telecommunication system thesis in and Wireless Networks TCN Wireless Information Systems TCN Wireless Communications with Multimedia Applications. A list can be found in Section 7. A maximum of 6 credits can be chosen from courses other than those listed in Section 7. Of these 6 credits, a maximum of 3 credits can be taken as either a 3-credit Independent Study or a 3-credit co-op course, but not both.
Students who are interested in relevant courses outside of SCIS that are not on the pre-approved list found in Section 7.
The Graduate Program Director has final discretion over the inclusion of courses in a program of study. The Thesis Committee must consist of three members with Graduate Faculty Status, at least two of which hold appointments in SCIS.
Typically, all three committee members hold appointments in SCIS. The Thesis Advisor is the Chairperson of the Thesis Committee. A thesis proposal should be submitted after the Thesis Committee has been approved.
Based on the written recommendations of its members, the Thesis Committee will make a final decision. Upon acceptance of the proposal, master science telecommunication system thesis in, the M-2 Form will be completed, to indicate that the proposal has been approved. Before the submission of the M-2 form, the Graduate School master science telecommunication system thesis in the M. SCIS wants to minimize the chance that the thesis will be rejected when almost completed.
In particular, the thesis proposal should:. Once the M-2 Form has been approved by the University Graduate School, the student is subject to Continuous Enrollment requirements and must enroll in at least one thesis credit every term including Summer until he or she graduates.
Exceptions to this rule can only be made by the University Graduate School via the approval of a formal leave of absence. The Thesis Committee will review it critically for both master science telecommunication system thesis in and form. The thesis may consist of:, master science telecommunication system thesis in.
Once the Thesis Committee has approved the student for a final defense, the student should submit the M-3 Form at least 3 weeks prior to the expected defense date.
The student and the Thesis Advisor need to coordinate with the Program Specialist to schedule an oral presentation of the thesis in the form of a public lecture. The Thesis Committee makes the final pass or fail decision. The M. in Telecommunications and Networking consists of 30 credits. These estimates do not include online course fees. Tuition and fees are paid on a semester basis.
T uition, fees, and the above estimates are subject to change. Estimated costs may not reflect costs paid. For inquiries related to the M. in Telecommunications and Networking, including admissions and academic issues, please contact Rebeca Arocha, the Graduate Program Advisor. Email is preferred. For information on the M.
in Telecommunications and Networking, please email rarocha fiu. Apply Deadlines Requirements Thesis Option Tuition Contact View Fullscreen. Deadlines This program admits for the fall, spring, and summer terms, master science telecommunication system thesis in.
Fall Spring Summer Domestic Applicants June 1st October 1st March 1st International Applicants June 1st October 1st February 1st. Required Courses: 15 credits TCN Computer Communications and Networking Technologies or an alternate course if waived TCN Networks Management and Control Standards TCN Mobile Computing TCN Secure Telecommunications Transactions or CIS TCN Telecommunications Enterprise Planning and Strategy Focus Area Courses or Thesis: 6 credits Students must complete 6 credits in a single focus area of their choosing from the following options: Business, Communications, Software, Security, Wireless and Sensor Networks.
Thesis Committee The Thesis Committee must consist of three members with Graduate Faculty Status, at least two of which hold appointments in SCIS. Thesis Proposal A thesis proposal should be submitted after the Thesis Committee has been approved.
The thesis may consist of: independent research work a critical study and analysis of known results that provide new significance and insights a significant and constructive contribution to computer applications such as software development for important applications. Contact For inquiries related to the M. Iyengar named member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts.
Master's Thesis Defense - Zoom
, time: 51:54Master of Science in Telecommunications Engineering, Richardson, USA

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