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Thesis statement for human services

Thesis statement for human services

thesis statement for human services

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Human Services Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines

In the United States locale, over 1 million people are living with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Kaplan, HIV is a serious infection, and anyone who contracts it must undergo treatment. If this lacks, the virus develops into an illness and one finally dies. The object of the study is to review the critical aspects of HIV in regards to the Southeast Region of the United States. The states within the scope of the study encompass Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, thesis statement for human services, South Carolina, Tennessee, thesis statement for human services, and Virginia.

In addition, majority of those who are aware have no access to adequate HIV care Doshi et al, thesis statement for human services. To review the features of HIV in the Southeast region, it is imperative to analyze the aspects of access care and effective treatment plans.

In addition, it is crucial to review the aspects of financing, housing, prevention procedures, and the influence of the existent programs in these particular states. In the United States, the individuals living with HIV implement the use of antiretroviral treatment ARTand this enables them to achieve a suppressed viral load.

More precisely, they achieve a lower level of the virus. The main program attributed to HIV reduction in the United States came into being upon the inception of an order by the head of state in The provisions of the executive order direct respective Federal entities to improve outcomes in line with the thesis statement for human services of the HIV care continuum with the aim of enhancing viral suppression among the Americans living with HIV. The HIV continuum incorporates HIV diagnosis, timely and reliable medical attention, and antiretroviral treatment Duffus et al.

The U. Centers for Disease and Control Prevention CDC states that, thesis statement for human services, the first cases of HIV became evident over three decades ago in the US region. Since this period, over 1. Currently, over 1 million people are struggling with the virus.

Nevertheless, the Southern region of the United States exhibits the highest mortality rates and HIV infections in the country.

The primary thesis statement for human services of the NHAS is to eliminate the menace caused by the HIV virus in the Southern region of the United States. However, over it accounts for over half of the cases that relate to HIV infections in the country Kim et al.

More intently, the rate of new infections in the Southeast region is the highest. The rankings indicate that the Southeastern states of Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee have the highest rates of infections Table 1.

In addition, HIV patients undergo the AIDS diagnosis when the ailment meets specific diagnostic criteria in line with the CDC standards Merlin et al. The criterion incorporates their CD4 count and the presence of particular conditions attributed to AIDS. The study shall review the critical issues that relate to HIV in each of the states in the Southeast region.

The analysis of HIV is of utmost importance in all countries. Hence, it is crucial to formulate a research question in order to conduct an adequate study in relation to the critical analysis of HIV in the Southeast Region.

Are the existent programs attributed to HIV adequately addressing the aspects of access care, treatment plans, finances, housing, prevention, and education in the Southeast region of the United States? It is crucial to conduct a thorough research in regards to the situation in the Southeast region of the United States.

The healthcare system is the backbone of a nation, and there ought to be an improvement of the existing HIV-related programs to achieve a stable and sustainable future for the Southeast region of the United States. The primary object of this section is to scrutinize the findings of various researchers that concern the influence of HIV programs in the Southeast region of the United States.

More precisely, the analysis shall focus on three core areas in line with the given research question. The core areas include access care and effective treatment plans, thesis statement for human services, financial and housing assistance, thesis statement for human services prevention through awareness and education.

The ACA Act provides access to insurance services to individuals living with HIV in the Southeast region of the US. More intently, the provisions of the Act provide a platform for enhancements in the areas of access to health care and effective treatment plans Penman et al.

The provisions of the act articulate that the entities attributed to the Federal Government, State government, and the local, tribal, and community partners should ensure that all citizens have access to quality care. A body named AIDS United came into being and formulated a multi-sponsored initiative that relates to public-private partnership access to care A2C.

The primary aim of this initiative is to increase the access to care and promote effective HIV healthcare. The program sought for Americans living below the poverty line. In addition, these individuals were aware of. their HIV status but they were not receiving any HIV care or support services. The A2C initiative aimed to reach the remote areas of the Southeast region and several mandates guided the operations of the program.

Secondly, the A2C initiative endeavored to eliminate any barriers that relate to accessing HIV care by supporting various development and intervention plans in the Southeast region Poindexter, In addition, the A2C initiative embraced innovative approaches to promote access to HIV care and consistency in the provision of care at all times.

However, the initiative encountered some challenges. The original intention of the program was to reach the remote populations by applying outreach strategies, but the appropriate resources were deficient in most cases. The A2C program was a multi-site initiative, thesis statement for human services, and the selection of sites had to incorporate the review by an external committee, thesis statement for human services.

Moreover, the selection criteria applicable to this committee incorporated the burden of need, geographical region, viability of the program design, and the objectivity of the proposed evaluation procedures. Moreover, the states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia had to formulate their program designs.

The designs have to be in line with the strategies that highlight preliminary levels of evidence Villegas et al. More precisely, several features were applicable in the HIV programs in relation to access to health care in these Southern states. The funded projects within the A2C initiative nurtured organizational links that coordinate to minimize the barriers to HIV care. In addition, the links provide innovative solutions to persistent challenges relating to access of HIV care Boehme et al.

Furthermore, the organizational networks transformed the manner in which systems operate in the Southeast region of the Thesis statement for human services States. The A2C initiative focused on enhancing systematic change in the Southeast region of the US to promote sustainability in the matters that concern the access to HIV care, thesis statement for human services. More intently, the scope of the A2C initiative is in line with the three goals articulated in the NHAS strategy Doshi et al.

The three objectives incorporate reducing the number of Americans infected with HIV, increasing access to HIV care and improve the health outcomes for Americans living with HIV. The third goal thesis statement for human services to minimize the health disparities that relate with HIV.

The primary target of the A2C framework is to ensure that thesis statement for human services second goal that concerns access thesis statement for human services care and treatment plans is successful. In line with the policy framework articulated in the NHAS, the A2C initiative works with Americans living with HIV in the Southeast region thesis statement for human services the continuum of care. The initiative enhances the linkages to care by strengthening the links between HIV cares for Americans who are newly diagnosed with HIV in the Southeast region Duffus et al.

Analyzing the situation in Alabama with respect to care various themes come into play. The first theme apparent in this state is the prevalence of delayed care Kim et thesis statement for human services. Americans living with HIV in Alabama had challenges linking with HIV care following diagnosis and most of the residents in the state lacked information about starting antiretroviral treatment ART.

The second theme relates thesis statement for human services the structure of social services and a framework in Alabama to link, re-engage, and support Americans living with HIV in the state. The AIDS Service Organizations in Alabama played a linking role to the clinics in the state.

More precisely, they responded directly to the needs of Americans living with HIV in regards to accessing HIV care Kim et al. Thirdly, the social thesis statement for human services in the clinics and AIDS service organizations play a crucial role in linking, re-engaging and retaining Americans living with HIV in care. The fourth theme relates to the enabling of spaces in Alabama. Hence, this enables the Americans living with HIV in this state will learn about available resources, programs, and HIV support Kim et al.

More intently, the incorporation of HIV-related studies in the educational curriculum of the schools in Alabama was lacking. In addition, Alabama had minimal health campaigns to sensitize people about HIV in some of its regions. It is imperative to increase sensitization campaigns in Alabama given the rising numbers of HIV infections in the Southeast region of the United States.

Horberg et al, thesis statement for human services. More importantly, with some areas being poverty stricken it is crucial to ensure that effective treatment plans are accessible to Americans living with HIV. The vitality of the Medicaid program as a source of funding for low-income Americans living with HIV will become sufficiently evident upon the full implementation of the Affordable Care Act in the Southeast region of the USA.

Important to note, most of the states in the Southeast region rejected the Medicaid expansion despite the increasing rates of HIV infections in these particular areas. Out of the 9 states, it is only Kentucky that appreciates the notion of expanding Medicaid Kim et al. Tennessee is still considering the possibility of expanding the Medicaid program. The states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia rejected Medicaid expansion.

However, in the states accepting Medicaid expansion there is an existent disability requirement. Upon the full implementation of Obama care, there will be an extended coverage to nondisabled low-income Americans living with HIV in the Southeast region Merlin et al. When it comes to ensuring low-income Americans living with HIV Medicaid plays a crucial role. More specifically, Medicaid can avail an adequate source of data that pertains to the types and costs of treatments delivered to some of the most vulnerable individuals with HIV.

The data that relates to insurance claims comes in handy in monitoring HIV treatment without substantial additional investments because this data is available in the form of electronic records Norton et al. The claims data that relates to the Southeast Region of the USA will provide a comprehensive account of the treatment plans received from diverse providers across multiple platforms.

The various platforms include outpatient, inpatient, laboratory, and pharmacy. In addition, the claims data incorporates the procedural codes that outline the treatment plans provided and their accompanying costs. According to Morrelldata that relates to insurance claims can provide information about the treatment plans of many Americans living with HIV in the Southeast region.

However, another concern arises, the design of the claims data focuses on the billing function. Hence, they are deficient in the clinical detail that is vital in reviewing the treatment plans in the Southeast region of the USA. For instance, the claims data that relates to a laboratory test will only indicate if the conduction of the test was successful or not. In order for the review of the data that relates to treatment programs to be successful, it is prudent to scrutinize the diagnosis information that is available on insurance claims.

Sprague and Simon argued that, thesis statement for human services, the primary target of adopting managed care plans is to enhance access to HIV care services while containing the costs involved.

In Florida Medicaid, enrollment rates grew at an alarming rate of approximately 3 times as fast as the population growth in the period between and In the past, Florida endeavored to minimize the costs that relate to Medicaid and the state introduced the Medicaid Managed Care MMC.

Two programs that relate to effective treatment plans operated under the MMC initiative. The HMO program incorporates the financing and delivery of comprehensive health care services and supplies for HIV patients into one entity.

The PSN program is a consortium established and operated by health care providers in Florida or a conglomeration of affiliated health care providers in the state.

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